Monday, April 17, 2006

It seems like such a long time since I have written. But I am wanting to write, think and process today. It is now only 6 weeks until I have to have most everything ready to move. The clock is ticking! I do not know how we will get everything done that needs to be, but it is time for me to turn that over to God. I really hope that is turns out that we are able to keep this house and land as rental property when we move because it has been such a place of healing for us all. The quiet solitude has given us a break from living in the fish bowl that accompanies living in a church parsonage. But we are diving back into the bowl again! Hopefully I am more ready to deal with it this time.

We have found out where we will be moving this June and are excited about its opportunities. I think this church may have room within its facilities for me to set up an art ministry that provides women and girls of the community a place to gather together in fellowship, learning, devotion and outreach. I am very excited about this possibility and am thinking that maybe it is time for my studio to reach beyond my own home. There will not be much room in this new house for much many of my art and craft supplies, but hopefully they can find a new home and a new purpose as I continue to look for ways to answer the call that is upon my life and soul.

I am beginning to build a portfolio of spiritual designs and am having a great deal of fun putting big parts of me into my work. It just seems so right now that it is hard to remember when I was struggling with the decision to "go there." It is a very profound experience and I continue to design while deep in prayer. It would be one of my greatest delights to see my work grace the pages of other's albums in a way that makes it easier for them to express their own faithful hearts. It would be such an honor and a blessing to do that kind of work. Maybe someday that dream will come true!

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